Financial services
Payments and savings
We are the market leader in Liechtenstein for payment transactions and account management. Virtually all Liechtenstein residents have an account with us. Our products and services cover all daily banking business transactions. We are also the first bank in Liechtenstein to have abolished booking fees for private clients with new package offers. A large proportion of private clients has more than one business relationship with us.

Investments and asset management
Our private banking clients benefit from personal investment advisory services and asset management. Here we rely on the expertise of our LLB Asset Management and on our extensive experience in the management of assets from private and institutional clients. Our advisory models are offered under the name LLB Invest. Our clients decide themselves what scope of service they would like.
We use the latest technologies to analyse, monitor and optimise portfolios and therefore ensure investment security and performance in line with strategy. In addition, our clients can access a broad range of investment funds. All LLB funds are free of retrocessions.
Loans and mortgages
Lending facilities are an important pillar of LLB’s business. With a market share of around 50 per cent, we are the number one in Liechtenstein in providing mortgages and building loans. Affordability and creditworthiness are key factors in the assessment of a loan application (see chapter Finance and risk management). We offer flexible and transparent financing possibilities as well as special mortgages to enable environmentally friendly construction and renovation in Liechtenstein and Switzerland (see chapter Climate change mitigation).
Pension fund solutions
We are the only bank in Liechtenstein to offer SMEs individual pension fund solutions for basic and executive pension plans through the “LLB Pension Fund Foundation for Liechtenstein” (LVST), which was founded in 2005. A company can choose between two investment strategies and adjust the benefits plan to suit its individual requirements and goals. In the meantime, measured in terms of its balance sheet total, LVST is the largest collective foundation in the country.
Retirement and financial planning
We not only provide expert advice in all financing and investment questions, we even go a step further and support private clients and entrepreneurs in all phases of life and company life cycle. Our 360-degree advisory package focuses on the future, dealing with issues such as asset structuring, real estate, financing, risk provisioning, taxation, retirement planning, corporate succession and estate planning. We support entrepreneurs in Liechtenstein and Switzerland from the setting up of their company to the regulation of succession.
Responsible investment solutions
The financial industry plays an important role in the transition to a climate-friendly economy. The LLB Groupʼs Asset Management has long emphasised responsible and long-term investments. Our memberships of UN finance initiatives emphasise our commitment to sustainability (see chapter Climate change mitigation). The LLB multi-factor model provides a sound basis for selecting the most attractive securities. The aim is to create above-average added value in the long term.