10 Black-out periods
In connection with the preparation and publication of its annual and interim reports, the LLB Group has imposed black-out periods, the purpose of which is to prevent insider trading, or the appearance of insider trading, by the LLB Group or its employees. These black-out periods apply to persons and business areas, and parties related to them, who / which have access, or could have access, to insider information. These include, in particular, members of the Board of Directors, members of the Group Executive Board, and their assistants, as well as staff of the Group Finance, Group Credit & Risk Management, Group Corporate Development, Group Legal & Regulatory, Group Corporate Communications & Sustainability and Group Internal Audit Business Areas.
During the periods from 1 June and 1 December until one day after the publication of the interim financial reporting and the annual financial reporting the persons concerned may not carry out transactions in shares of LLB AG or financial instruments related to them.