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LLB Annual Report 2024 de

Information unaudited Information ungeprüftNotes on business operations

Liechtensteinische Landesbank Aktiengesellschaft with its registered office in Vaduz and two domestic branch offices is active as a full-service (universal) bank. LLB AG is one of the three largest banks in Liechtenstein and has subsidiaries in Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland, as well as branches in Dubai and in Germany, and representative offices in Zurich, Geneva and Abu Dhabi. Adjusted for full-time equivalents, 811 people were employed as at 31 December 2024 (previous year: 749). The average headcount in 2024 amounted to 796 persons (previous year: 722) on a full-time equivalent basis.

As a universal bank, LLB AG is engaged in the commission and fees business, credit and lending business, money market and interbank business, as well as securities trading business.

Commissions and fees business

The major proportion of revenues from commissions and fees business is attributable to commissions earned in connection with securities trading for customers. Other important income streams are provided by securities safe custody business, asset management (incl. investment funds) and brokering fiduciary investments.

Credit and lending business

The largest proportion of loans comprises mortgages, Lombard loans and advances to public institutions. Mortgages are granted to finance properties in Liechtenstein and in the neighbouring areas of Switzerland. Real estate financing for the rest of Switzerland and Lombard loans are granted within the scope of the integrated asset management business. A major proportion of loans and advances to public authorities relates to credit facilities extended to cantons and municipalities in Switzerland. As regards international syndicated loans, the bank is active to only a very limited extent in this line of business.

Money market and interbank business

Domestic and international funds deposited with the bank, which in as far as they are not invested in lending business or held as liquid funds, are placed with first-class banks, predominantly in Switzerland and Western Europe.

Securities trading business

The bank offers its clients a full range of services in connection with the execution and settlement of securities trading transactions. It trades for its own account only to a moderate extent. Transactions with derivative financial instruments for the bankʼs own account are largely employed for hedging purposes.