Information unaudited Information ungeprüftMarkets and clients
The LLB Group concentrates on the following principal markets:
- Liechtenstein: As the longest established bank in Liechtenstein, LLB has a strong business presence and offers comprehensive financial services for private and corporate clients in private banking for wealthy clients and in institutional client business. In addition, it offers private financial planning, corporate pension fund provisioning, specific investment advisory services and asset management for various client target groups.
- Austria: In Austria, we are represented by LLB Österreich. It is also active in private banking, asset management and investment fund management. It is the leading wealth management bank in Austria.
- Switzerland: We have our own subsidiary in the form of a strong universal bank in Switzerland, LLB (Schweiz) AG. In addition to direct customer business, it is now also focussing on private banking, corporate clients and institutional clients.
- Germany: In 2024, we set up a bank branch for the first time in Germany, the largest private banking market in Europe. This step enables us to provide even more intensive care and service to German clients.
As regards international clients, especially in private banking and wealth management, we focus our activities on the growth markets in the Middle East as well as Central and Eastern Europe. As a banking group, we concentrate in these regions on expanding our wealth management and private banking business, especially for wealthy private clients and institutional investors. We care for our international clientele from our representative offices in Geneva, Zurich and Abu Dhabi, as well as from our DIFC branch in Dubai.