Information checkedInformation geprüft Environmental protection: at our company
When it comes to energy consumption and climate protection, it is important to keep the goal in mind and to ask the necessary questions. One of our goals is to reduce our operational greenhouse gas emissions. Step by step, where we can have a direct influence – and as befits us.
Sustainable mobility is a core element of the LLB Group's workplace environmental management. The indirect environmental impact of the business and commuter traffic from Switzerland and Austria has been an area we have focused on. In 1996, we started providing company bicycles in Liechtenstein. Meanwhile, we support electric driving with our network of charging stations throughout the country.
We foster environmentally friendly mobility behaviour on the part of our employees through a number of programmes. For instance, we encourage them to use public transport, to form car pools or to switch to more environmentally compatible alternatives. We believe protecting the environment is a prerequisite for economic and social stability.

Sustainable mobility concepts offer a variety of starting points and can contribute to a wide range of environmental management goals.
Stefan Marxer, Head of Logistics Service
Communication technology is becoming an increasingly important element for us in information exchange and networking. The digital world makes it possible for people to work from any place, at any time. With this in mind, we have installed high-quality video-conferencing systems Group-wide. This speeds up decision-making processes and knowledge transfer. What is more, fewer business kilometres travelled means we are on the road to greater energy efficiency.
On the one hand, we contribute to reducing the emissions of climate gases and air pollutants. And we save time and travel costs. On the other, virtual conferences, webinars and remote digital meetings are part of our shortest route model. They contribute to a more balanced situation in terms of work, family and private life.
The data processing centre of the LLB Group in Eschen is the backbone of digitalisation and reflects a clear commitment to Green IT. For almost ten years, it has been setting standards in the three countries' corner of the Lichtenstein Rhine Valley, Vorarlberg and eastern Switzerland. The data centre operates around the clock and is aligned to the US Uptime Institute's Tier III standard. It meets the highest security standards for highly sensitive corporate data.
In our data processing centre, however, it is all about server performance. Given global climate concerns, climate friendliness is becoming increasingly important. All building elements – from construction, to insulation and the design of the building – were carefully coordinated in order to increase energy efficiency. We have thus managed to reduce power consumption substantially and consequently lower our CO₂ emissions.