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LLB Annual Report 2020 de

Information checkedInformation geprüft Sustainability: the new standard

Our investment philosophy pursues a comprehensive sustainability concept. We strive to harmonise ethical, social and ecological responsibility with economic investment principles.

Our goal is to incorporate ethical, social and ecological values in capital investments without any loss of returns.

Markus Wiedemann, Chief Investment Officer of the LLB Group

One of the core strengths of the LLB Group in Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland. In 2020, LLB Asset Management converted a substantial part of the range of LLB investment funds to comply with its sustainability criteria. Our investment team has extensive experience in the management of very large asset portfolios of private and institutional clients, and focuses on broadly diversified, sustainable investments as a new standard alongside traditional investments.

In 2020, LLB launched the first Liechtenstein gold investment fund on the market. It invests in sustainably produced and transported gold.

The concept bundles three different selection criteria:

  • the selection of financial investments with good earnings prospects
  • the exclusion of companies or products which violate national or international standards, or which attain more than 10 per cent of their turnover in controversial products
  • the positive selection of investments having an ESG rating of BBB or higher

The ESG rating shows a company’s exposure to the key ESG factors. It identifies six to ten key ESG themes (Key Issue Scores) having a greater ecological or social significance for the respective industry or sector; it provides a uniform assessment of corporate governance. The final, industry-adjusted score results from the measurement of the range between the best (AAA) and the worst (CCC) rating.

Impact investments account for up to a quarter of our sustainable investment universe. The LLB Group therefore goes an important step further than the ESG criteria. We give our investors the possibility of supporting companies, which have taken on the task of reducing carbon emissions, or fostering human rights, reducing poverty, facilitating quality education, providing clean water and affordable, clean energy, as well as protecting the environment. Or also companies and organisations, which develop future technologies and solutions for a sustainably structured world.

We believe that long-term added value is only possible in an economically efficient, sustainably structured global financial system.

As a member, LLB has joined an international network of almost 2'000 signatories from around 50 countries. They all support the UN initiative relating to the Principles for Responsible Investment. The goal of the UN PRI initiative is to incorporate the six principles for responsible investment in investment and ownership decisions. The goal is also to make clear how investment activities impact environmental, social and governance factors.


Being guided by sustainability principles during the investment process enables one to have a decisive influence in shaping the world we live in.

Bernhard Schmitt, Head Equity & Multi Manager Management, coordinator of collaboration with the University of Liechtenstein

The University’s scientists believe that sustainable investing is not only the key to boosting innovation in new products, technologies, processes and business models, they also expect it to have a positive influence on environmental and social factors, as well as on corporate culture. LLB supports this scientific innovation project.