Going forward
From the perspective of its almost 160-year history, LLB considers sustainability to be an integral part of its business success. Sustainability has always been a core element of our activity.
Gabriel Brenna, Group Chief Executive Officer
Information for stakeholders

Thanks to our solid basis and our clear strategy, we were able to skilfully exploit our strengths in the corona year 2020 and consolidate them even further.
Gabriela Nagel-Jungo, Vice Chairwoman
Pursuant to Art. 1129 PGR, it is pointed out that this publication only represents an extract of the Annual Report 2020 of Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG and does not constitute a publication within the meaning of the Liechtenstein Banking Law. The audit report has been issued without reservation and the General Meeting of Shareholders is recommended to approve the annual financial statement. They have not yet been submitted to the Office of Justice under the registration number FL‑0001.000.289‑1. The complete business report can be inspected from 09 April 2021 at Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG, Städtle 44, 9490 Vaduz, or obtained in printed form free of charge.