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LLB Annual Report 2022 de

Responsibilities and methods of determining compensation

The Group Nomination & Compensation Committee (see section “Composition of all Board of Directors’ committees, their tasks and terms of reference”, chapter “Corporate governance”) advises the Board of Directors in all aspects concerning compensation. Its tasks include:

  • The formulation of recommendations for the stipulation of principles and the establishment of regulations for the compensation policy concerning the members of the Board of Directors, the members of the Group Executive Board and the other employees of the bank for submission to the Board of Directors;
  • The formulation of proposals for the compensation of members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Group Executive Board as well as the Head of Group Internal Audit for submission to the Board of Directors in accordance with existing principles and regulations;
  • The annual review of Group regulations “Compensation policy of the LLB Group”, “Compensation standards of LLB & BLL & ASM” as well as “Fit & Proper – Assessment of the members of the Board of Management, the Board of Directors and the holders of key functions” for submission to the Board of Directors;
  • The annual review of the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors, the members of the Group Executive Board, the Head of Group Internal Audit and senior executives in the areas of risk management and compliance pursuant to Group regulations “Compensation policy of the LLB Group” and “Compensation standards of LLB & BLL & ASM” for submission to the Board of Directors in accordance with existing principles and regulations.

The full Board of Directors approves the principles and regulations governing compensation and specifies annually the amount of the compensation for the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Group Executive Board, which reflects their relevant professional experience and the organisational responsibility they bear in the company. The decision regarding the amount of the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Group Executive Board is made at the discretion of the Board of Directors and is based on their duties and responsibilities. The amount of variable compensation of the Board of Management is dependent on the individual fixed compensation from the compensation model. The Chairman of the Group Executive Board has a right of proposal concerning the compensation of the other members of the Board of Management. The members of the Group Executive Board are not present at the discussion and the decision concerning the amount of their compensation. Pursuant to Art. 12, Para. 2 of the Law on the Liechtensteinische Landesbank, the Board of Directors must inform the Government about the compensation ruling specified for it. Liechtensteinische Landesbank does not submit the total compensation of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board to the General Meeting of Shareholders for approval. It also does not hold an advisory vote on the question of compensation.